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Advice & Inspiration

How To Easily Remove Wallpaper?

by Harri Summers 25 Jul 2022

It's simple to remove wallpaper. Although it might not be particularly simple, we have some good news for you. Yes, wallpaper removal takes a lot of time and is messy. You nearly never want to do what you are doing. Such a deterrent, indeed. The majority of people are most afraid of damaging the wall when removing the paper, even though it is a pain to do so. It is real. You may. We've put just as much time into fixing that harm. However, there is no reason why it must occur. Wallpaper removal gets surprisingly easy once you know what's really going on underneath. Let me explain it to you.

First of all, BE AWARE that this will be a nasty job. That cannot be avoided. Everything that isn't covered will wind up with bits and pieces of wet paper glued to it. Thankfully, cleaning it up is simple with some soap and water. But if we take the time to cover the furniture with a cheap plastic drop cloth, we can reduce the extent of the mess. Along the wall, spread a runner with rubber backing. Make sure that nothing is hanging on the wall, and that the furniture is at least three feet away from the wall.

What should we do now that our workspace has been prepared? We must identify the group we belong to. Start by looking for an edge and making an effort to peel the paper off. We can either drown or swim here. Some of the thick fabric and vinyl wall coverings will simply peel off. A layer of plain paper will be left on the wall when some of them crack. The result is that when you attempt to remove that layer, it separates into little fragments. This category includes a variety of speciality papers as well as papers that have been painted over. Within a short while, we'll discuss the third group. Enjoy the remainder of your day if your wallpaper belongs to the first category of wall coverings—those that simply peel off. You're fortunate. For the other two groups, we can employ several tactics that will spare you time and money.

There are a variety of products available on the market that the remaining 99% of us might use to remove the wallpaper. I've tried each one. Spend less money. Warm water is all we actually need. Start by removing the paper's top layer. A layer of plain paper and adhesive will be all that is left on the wall. Use a sponge, squirt bottle, garden sprayer, or any other available tool to apply the water to the paper. Use just enough to completely cover the paper to prevent water from dripping and messing up the wall. Here's the truly important wallpaper removal secret: WAIT. Wait, that's right. Refresh the area with water, then wait some more. The saturated paper often needs 20 to 30 minutes to completely soften the adhesive underneath. The paper should then be removed from the wall using a 6-wide knife. It ought to peel off quickly and in broad swaths. If not, soak the paper again and wait an additional few minutes. Let the water handle the difficult tasks! Once you get going, you may progress gradually around the room by soaking the wall in front of where you are working.

Let's talk about the last group. You've waited, watered, and waited some more. Since this isn't working, to be honest, you're losing patience. The challenge is getting enough water to soak the wallpaper fully, from the surface to the centre. There is a remedy. Without damaging the wall, we need to remove the wallpaper's water-resistant surface covering. Now you might feel inclined to start rough-scraping or gouging the wallpaper. This is not a smart move. You harm the wall in this way. Then, because you need to hire a contractor, you must spend additional money. Now that you are on their schedule, too.

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