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Advice & Inspiration

6 Tips On How To Care For Your Plants

by Hoshar Abdollah 14 Jul 2022

When it comes to plant care, many people worry a lot. There is nothing to be concerned about while discussing indoor plants. You only need to think about a few things.


How to take care of your plants with JDS DIY

  1. Watering

Every garden needs to have a watering can. To ensure appropriate watering, it is advised that you get the one with a narrow spout. However, that may not always hold true, making the finger test useful. Put your index finger in the ground up to the first joint. Don't water the soil if you think it's damp. If not, then do.

Plant watering with JDS DIY


  1. Feeding

They must always have a high nitrogen content for growing foliage plants. K2O is required for plants that produce flowers, on the other hand. Compost and fertilisers, such as those with a gradual release, can be combined. But some plants, like cactus and orchids, require specific nutrients. When a plant is actively growing, feed it.


Plant Fertiliser at JDS DIY


  1. Lighting

Shade is not necessary for Sanseveria and Aspidistra. They can be put in a windowless area. Semi-shade is required by spider plants. These kinds of plants can be placed next to a window that receives or does not receive sunlight. Others, like cheese plants, require light or no sun at all.

Indoor Plant and Lighting

  1. Temperature

With houseplants, they can withstand a little bit higher temps than 15 to 25C. However, abrupt temperature changes might not be healthy for them.

Indoor Plants with High Temperature - JDS DIY
  1. Humidity

Some indoor plants need a humid climate to thrive. Placing the pot inside of a larger pot and plugging any gaps with stones or compost to retain the moisture inside is one way to increase humidity. The compost won't become dry. If plants are gathered together, they can develop their own climate. The soil can be kept moist using this advice. Depending on the climate, you can choose to spritz them with water once or twice daily.

House Plant with JDS DIY
  1. Repotting

For best growth, certain plants may not be ideal for this notion, but other plants need to be replanted. They wouldn't want the soil around their roots torn up. Turning your plant upside down is one approach to see if it requires repotting. To liberate the plant and examine its roots, tap the pot. Repot if all you can see are roots.

Repotting with JDS DIY

You only need to give your plants a little attention to enjoy the rewards. You can learn how to respect and nurture life in all of its diverse forms in addition to having a garden that can enhance the attractiveness of your home.

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