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Advice & Inspiration

Where To Site Your Bird Platform Feeders?

by Hoshar Abdollah 14 Jul 2022

You might ask what platform bird feeders are and why they're used for feeding birds. A platform bird feeder, to put it simply, is made for birds who prefer to eat birdseed directly off the ground. Platform bird feeders can be fixed on a deck, a tree, or a stump, or they can be positioned just over the ground. To put your platform bird feeder on a pole, you may also order a platform pole mount.

Bird Feeder at JDS DIY

Bird seed is released from a hanging bird feeder through a crack or other small aperture, which is the fundamental distinction between them and platform bird feeders. When using a platform bird feeder, the seeds are spread out on a platform or plate, and the birds pick them up from there.


Peckish Bird Feeder


The birds are drawn to a platform bird feeder or a tray bird feeder depending on the seeds, whereas if you use a platform bird feeder or a fly-through feeder, you might observe a cardinal and other different birds.


Peckish Bird Feeder at JDS DIY


Platform bird feeders may be squirrel-resistant as well. Squirrels are less likely to get your birdseed if you hang your platform bird feeder, which will save you money and allow a variety of birds to consume it. It's a nice feature when platform or tray bird feeders have screens that are large enough for the beaks of the birds but too small for the hands of the squirrels.

Bird feeder hanging with JDS DIY


Platform and tray bird feeders, sometimes called ground bird feeders, are simpler to maintain and clean than hanging bird feeders and attract a wider variety of birds to your area. Make sure you have a suitable spot in your garden before making the decision to acquire a platform bird feeder.

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