Suitable for glass to glass, glass to metal, stained/tinted glass & crystal.|Instant strength in a drop.|Dries transparent for invisible repairs.|Anti-clog cap for long-term reusability.|Dishwasher resistant.|Clean and precise: with soft rubber grips and a precision applicator, the instant adhesive is easy to handle. Ideal for home & office repairs, school projects & crafts.|Super strength: with instant strength in a single drop, the solvent-free Loctite Glass Glue superglue dries transparent for providing invisible repairs.|Functional design: formulated with an anti-clog cap, this instant adhesive is designed for long-term reusability, a simple user experience and a high-quality result. Super Glue Glass 3ml Tube Suitable for glass to glass, glass to metal, stained/tinted glass & crystal.|Instant strength in a drop.|Dries transparent for invisible repairs.|Anti-clog cap for long-term reusability.|Dishwasher resistant.|Clean and precise: with soft rubber grips and a precision applicator, the instant adhesive is easy to handle. Ideal for home & office repairs, school projects & crafts.|Super strength: with instant strength in a single drop, the solvent-free Loctite Glass Glue superglue dries transparent for providing invisible repairs.|Functional design: formulated with an anti-clog cap, this instant adhesive is designed for long-term reusability, a simple user experience and a high-quality result.
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